The Choking Game

The “Choking Game”, also known as the “Good Kids High”, is defined as strangulation (either alone or assisted) with the hands or a noose to achieve a brief euphoric state caused by a lack of oxygen traveling to the brain. More than 75% of children between the ages of 9 and 16 know how the Choking Game is played or have played it themselves. Studies suggest that more than 250 kids have died since 2001; most are well-behaved and successful children ages 11 to 17. Shockingly, only 25% of parents have heard of the game and only 7% of victims’ parents knew of the game beforehand.
(Culture of Safety)

Culture of Safety report has been conservative in victim numbers, but studies suggest that up to 1000 of kids have died every year; these adolescents are well-behaved and successful children, generally high-achieving in academics, activities and sports.

Although this activity is officially reported back from 1995 among youths aged 6-19 (CDC – Centers for Disease Control and Prevention), we have had heard testimonies of people who said they have witnessed other kids playing the “pass-out game” on the 80’s, 70’s even though back in the in the 60’s, some others have recognized playing it with friends, cousins and even siblings not knowing about the danger of the game.

The CDC defines deaths from the “Choking Game” as Unintentional Strangulation, on many other cases the lack of signs, or any other details to identified probable choking-game deaths, they are misclassified as suicides. For the misclassification is not possible for the CDC to have an accurate mortality data on this practice.

According to “Choking Game” fatalities appear to be on the rise.  Conservative statistics indicate that approximately one child per week in the U.S. and Europe dies from this activity, though the number may well be higher as many choking game deaths are misclassified as suicides. (Estimates including misclassifications range between 250-1,000 children annually).  Injuries from the “Choking Game” often go unreported.